At EnWell Chiropractic & Acupuncture, our first concern is that you feel comfortable with and confident about the treatment you will receive. One of the hardest parts is choosing a heath care provider. While every case is unique, we would like to share the feedback from our patients.
Dr. Horii is not only a chiropractor, but also a health personal trainer. I originally came into see Dr. Horii for my frozen shoulder and lower back pain. A general doctor treats and focuses where the patient has pain. He also looks at and finds where the root of pain or issue coming from even though I do not even notice. His approach is very unique and whole-person approach — designed to treat the person, not just the disease or injury. He even figure out mental stress or thoughts that affecting the pain or issue by using muscle testing. Based on my experience with Dr. Horii, you once build a good relationship of trust with him. Your healing power accelerates and gets better faster. He is also very knowledgeable about nutrition and exercise that his advice helped me greatly. Now, I come in to see him whenever I feel not right. I really thank for him.
Itsuko J. Masuda