Acupuncture is a natural healing method that originated in China many thousands of years ago and is one of the central aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The theory behind the practice is that “Qi” energy travels through the body along what are called “meridians,” and these meridians periodically become blocked, leading to pain, tiredness and often illness. The acupuncturist uses very thin needles to insert through the skin at important meridian points that correspond to the patient’s problem, releasing blocked energy and allowing it to flow again. The needles are so thin that their insertion can barely be felt most of the time. An acupuncture treatment can be useful when receiving chiropractic care, as it helps to reduce pain signals to a tolerable level, relaxes your muscles and increases blood flow to speed healing so that your chiropractor can more easily perform therapeutic alignments and manipulations to your spine and joints, avoiding the necessity of resorting to pain-killers or other pharmaceuticals.
Acupuncture is also great for Athletes
Ahletes of many stripes are turning to acupuncture for an effective method of injury treatment and prevention. Professional athletes have embraced acupuncture to manage pain, speed injury recovery, and achieve peak physical performance in their sport. A review of research studies on the use of acupuncture in sports confirms its efficacy at increasing muscle strength and power in athletes.
Sports acupuncture is used for injury treatment and prevention to improve athletic performance. Acupuncture taps into the body’s natural ability to heal itself without any side effects.